Pastor’s Blog (Page 2)

Pastor’s Blog (Page 2)

God is Love

Love is all around us.  I invite you to pause and reflect on where love is growing in your life this past week? month?  Invite another to reflect with you and share the blessings of love with one another.

Hearing the Call

Did you once heard God’s strong voice, but today you have moved away from God and His voice is no longer strong but has become fainter and fainter? If you feel far away from God, guess who moved?

Shaper of Hearts

It is amazing that while there are so many people in the world, God knows everything about each one of us: our words before they are on our tongue, how many hairs are on our head, and what is in our hearts.

Praise God!

What has happened in your life lately to grab your attention? Was it joy-filled? Awe inspiring? A cause for thankfulness? Fear filled? How did you respond? Were you able to find God in the midst?

Preparing for Advent

Advent calls us to prepare our hearts, souls, minds, and relationships: so that Christ might enter it. We only have to turn our attention to Jesus, (the Word made flesh, the fullness of God) and we will find God there.

A Thanksgiving Blessing

May an abundance of gratitude burst forth as you reflect upon what you have received. May thanksgiving overflow in your heart, and often be proclaimed in your prayer. May you gather around the table of your heart …


None of us like to be vulnerable, but there are lessons in this position and it offers us opportunity for growth. God assures us that s/he is present with us and that her/his grace is sufficient. It is a call and opportunity to grow in trust in God.