

Read 2 Corinthians 12: 1-10

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.

Greetings in the Name of Christ!

This season, my personal devotions have brought me to Joyce Rupp. She has been a favorite companion on my spiritual journey for a while. In this reflection, Autumn, she speaks about vulnerability. None of us like to be vulnerable, but there are lessons in this position and it offers us opportunity for growth. God assures us that s/he is present with us and that her/his grace is sufficient. It is a call and opportunity to grow in trust in God. How easy to speak about vulnerability, but how difficult to go through.

One gift we have is each other. As we share our stories, they become gifts to each other. We testify to each other that we are not alone: God is always present and our stories assure the person that others have been and are in the similar situation. Our stories extend compassion and empathy as we listen to each other. Like Paul, in sharing our struggle(s), we validate that each of us has an inner resilience that will help us to go through this vulnerable time. God’s grace is sufficient.

In Christ’s Light and Love,

Pastor Pat

the season of vulnerability,
when the great arms of oak
stretch their summer leaves
to the wild October winds.

all that has been life and green
is stripped from strong trees,
and the tall, wide branches
seem to be deathly wounded.

across the lawns in layers
like the near-dead leaves;
onto the forest floors they fall
as if to say: “all is lost.”

this is the season of vulnerability
when trees open wide to wounding,
when all the summer security
is given away to another season.

wiser are the trees than humans
who clutch small arms round self,
shielding their fragile hearts
and stifling future springtimes.
Joyce Rupp
“Fresh Bread and other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment”
(Ave Maria Press, 2006)