Epworth has partnered with Amazon, UMCmarket, Hope for Housing and Ebay to bring you the opportunity to support Epworth’s mission and ministry when you shop online.
Since we encourage you to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to you and to live a debt-free lifestyle, we advise against using these links to make any purchases that you would not otherwise plan to make. But if you’re already planning a purchase, you can make it go further by using one of the links below.
Epworth UMC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com. Each time you use this link to shop at Amazon
a percentage of your purchase price is paid to Epworth at no additional cost to you.
UMC Market
How it Works
UMCmarket is the United Methodist Church’s gateway to generating micro-donations through online shopping. Every time a member completes a purchase at one of the 1,000+ stores listed in the UMCmarket browser app, UMCmarket collects an “invisible” commission and donates that commission to the organization specified by the UMCmarket member. You don’t need to change anything from how you shop today, and every small donation makes a difference. By specifying Epworth as your preferred organization you can support our mission and ministry whenever you shop online at no cost to you.
UMCmarket is the United Methodist Church’s gateway to generating micro-donations through online shopping. Every time a member completes a purchase at one of the 1,000+ stores listed in the UMCmarket browser app, UMCmarket collects an “invisible” commission and donates that commission to the organization specified by the UMCmarket member. You don’t need to change anything from how you shop today, and every small donation makes a difference. By specifying Epworth as your preferred organization you can support our mission and ministry whenever you shop online at no cost to you.
Signing Up is Free!
You can easily sign up for free. Just go to UMCmarket and click on the “Sign In/Up” link.
Hope for Housing
You can also support God’s work when planning your grocery shopping. Hope for Housing purchases food cards in bulk from local supermarkets which are then sold to members of participating church congregations at their place of worship. The supermarkets, in turn, will donate 5% of all sales to Hope for Housing to help them in their efforts to prevent family homelessness in Central Massachusetts and to advocate for homeless prevention policies. You can purchase your grocery cards in Fellowship Hall after any of our worship services.
Epworth Auctions
Our members and friends can donate any sellable items (e.g. collectibles, household goods, DVDs etc.) in support of Epworth’s ministries. You can view the items currently for sale on our Epworth Auctions Ebay page. Please take some time to peruse our listings – perhaps you’ll be able to find that item you’ve been looking for while supporting Epworth’s ministries at the same time..
Whichever option you choose, thank you for supporting God’s work through Epworth!