But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb.
LUKE 24: 1-2
Greetings of Grace and Peace!!
We are in Holy Week. Tonight, we will gather at Wesley UMC (114 Main Street Worcester, MA.) remembering Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, his intense praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, his arrest, his trial, his flogging, and more. We will remember the actions of humanity towards Jesus: those in authority, as well as his intimate family and friends. Friday night, here at Epworth UMC, we will remember Jesus’ death on the cross and the sins of humanity which placed him there. Both services will begin at 7:00pm. I hope you will join us.
While we say we are “remembering” the story, God transcends time and space connecting us to the story. The Word of God speaks to us and we recognize ourselves and actions. It has been said in “remembering,” God is re-member-ing us into the goodness we were created and into the community God longs for. Each of us has a “stone” that needs to be rolled away. We need the stone moved so that God can heal us and move us towards the person we were created to be and into the realm of God’s kingdom here on earth. Are you ready to surrender your stone to God? When the stone was rolled away from the tomb in the Gospel story, the women had their hearts and minds open to understanding, hope, and belief. It is my prayer for each of us. As we allow the stone(s) in our lives to be rolled away, may we have a deeper understanding of God’s amazing love for us which we find through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
I hope you will walk these days with Jesus, recognizing and letting go of the stone(s) in your life, so that you will be ready to rise into the new life Christ offers at Easter.
In Christ’s Light and Love,
Pastor Pat