Post Office Lines

Post Office Lines

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

As we draw closer to Christmas; lines become longer almost everywhere.  More folks are traveling to get shopping done or visit one another so traffic lines increase.  Stores lines, retail and grocery, are longer as folks make sure to have every last minute item needed.  It seems even doctor’s offices are busier; perhaps folks wanting to feel their best for the holidays.

This morning I stopped by the post office and was greeted by a long line.  My mind immediately scanned many questions and answers to see if I could figure out how long this was going to take.  How many clerks were working?  How many folks were in line?  What type of packages were customers holding and what attention and time would that take?  Gratefully, I caught myself and remembered that none of my calculations really mattered.  I was there because I needed something and how could I use the time to be present instead of fueling my frustration?

As I scanned the office, I noticed a woman holding packages to be mailed.  I began to pray for those who would receive the pack ages.  I prayed they would feel the connection to the sender and feel the love and hope in which they were sent.  I noticed a man opening mail in line, scanning bills that needed to be paid.  I prayed that he might have enough money to pay those bills and have financial security in his life.  I prayed that in the midst of his bill paying that he might remember to share his blessings with others (a reminder to myself also).  I noticed a woman pregnant with child.  I smiled as I remembered the gift of Christ and the reason for the season.  I wondered if God was speaking and affirming my positive thoughts.  I prayed for the health of her baby as I gave thanks for my own children and grandchildren.  My heart swelled with love and joy as I thought about how God let us be part of ongoing creation through the gift of birth.  I remembered scripture telling us that after birth of Jesus and the visit from shepherds; Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. (Luke 2: 19)

My waiting in the post office this morning became a holy moment when I shifted my thoughts away from myself and began focusing on others and on God.  May we remember to honor God in all the time and places we find ourselves; for we are standing on Holy Ground.

In Christ’s Light and Love,

Pastor Pat